Program Directors
Reagan Waskom and MaryLou Smith will co-direct the Water Literate
Leaders course. They have worked together since 2005 convening
divergent stakeholder groups to facilitate water policy conflict
resolution and collaboration throughout Colorado and the Colorado
River Basin, including the Poudre Runs Through It Study/Action Work
Group. http://prti.colostate.edu/
(Right) Reagan Waskom, Director, Colorado Water Institute, Colorado State University
(Left) MaryLou Smith, Policy and Collaboration Sepcialist, Colorado Water Institute
Reagan Waskom currently serves as the director of the Colorado Water Institute and the chair of the Colorado State University
Water Center. Dr. Waskom is a member of the Soil & Crop Sciences Department at CSU, where he has worked on various water
related research and outreach programs for the past 30 years, conducting statewide educational and applied research programs
on water quality, water quantity, water policy and natural resource issues related to water use. Dr. Waskom’s current teaching
assignment is GRAD592, the Interdisciplinary Water Resources Graduate Seminar. In addition, Dr. Waskom provides oversight for
the CSU Extension Water Outreach program and personnel. He is past president of the Colorado Water Congress and has served
on the Board of Trustees of the Colorado Foundation for Water Education since its inception in 2002.
MaryLou Smith serves as policy and collaboration specialist at Colorado State University’s Colorado Water Institute, where she
designs and facilitates group process for stakeholder groups working through complex water policy issues throughout Colorado
and the West. Much of her work centers around agricultural/urban/environmental water sharing strategies, groundwater/surface
water conjunctive use challenges, and the integration of land use policy with water supply policy. MaryLou earlier served 35 years
as vice president and co-founder of Aqua Engineering, Inc., an irrigation design firm. She has given presentations on her work in
places as diverse as Tehran, Iran; Fortaleza, Brazil; and Wray, Colorado!
Drawing on the expertise of regional water leaders from such entities as:
- City of Greeley
- City of Loveland
- City of Fort Collins
- Town of Windsor
- Colorado Parks and Wildlife
- Colorado Division of Water Resources
- The Nature Conservancy
Cache la Poudre Water Users
Association - Rocky Mountain Flycasters
- Tri-Districts
- Big Thompson Watershed Coalition
- Ducks Unlimited
- Northern Water
- Ditch and Reservoir Companies
- Weld County
- Larimer County
and others!